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Explanation of common parameters of wave springs


1.Fitting aperture: refers to the diameter of the external fitting hole when the wave spring is working. Generally, the fitting aperture is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the wave spring.
2.Fitting shaft diameter: refers to the diameter of the internal fitting shaft when the wave spring is working. Generally, the fitting shaft diameter is slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the wave spring.
3.Working height: The height of the spring when it is subjected to working load.

4.Free height: The height of the spring when there is no load.

5.Spring stiffness: The load required to deform a spring per unit length (angle).

6.Wavenumber: The number of wave crests or troughs on each layer (The top-mounted wave spring is a half-number wave, and the single-layer wave pad and stacked wave spring are integer waves. )
7.Number of circles: 360 degrees counts as one circle.

8. Load: The force generated when the loaded wave spring is compressed. Load requirements are generally expressed in three ways:
a、 Load requirements for specific working heights.
b、 Minimum load requirements for one working height and maximum load requirements for another working height.
c、 Specified flex ratio between minimum working height and maximum working height.